Doing the right thing, at the right time.

Welcome to the leading company on the market! Our success is driven by the highest quality customer service. We can meet the requirements even of the whimsical clients; there are no complex tasks for us! Thanks for your choice! Our company can boast the reputation of the trusted partner known worldwide. We are proud of the uncompromising quality. Thank you for visiting our site! You are at the right place! We are focused on providing integrated solutions and services to customers around the world. Putting our clients’ interests first, we work hard to exceed your expectations.
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Happy clients

How We Work

Make a Smart Choice!

Holistic Approach

The most fundamental of all our work principles is that if the client is happy, then we’re too. This is ensured by the fact that we offer whole range of fiscal consulting – staring with taxes and accounting, all the way to investment opportunities and retirement planning!

Via advising on our client’s investment and liquidity portfolios we come to manage significant amount of money. But for us, the bigger the sum is the higher our responsibility is. We’ll never cause you lose money due to unsound or plain risky strategy!


Since the times former Wall Street expert John Steven Levegerie and his fellow investment market colleagues decided to quot their respective firms in order to form their own, we’ve grown in so many remarkable and expertise-wise ways!

While we do work with the world’s and nation’s richest companies across the aisle here in New York and on Wall Street, we never mismanage their trust in us. Meaning, all of our pricing and service fees are reasonable, just and dictated by the revenue we bring in!

Meet the Team


Alex Buoyega


Mr. Buoyega was born in one of Detroit’s poorest blocks, all before pursuing his successful managerial career in the future. For him, the breakthrough happened when he was able to get on Harvard University’s Law School list. After graduating from there, he was working for a few years for a number of multi-million dollar corporations, climbing up the corporate ladder


Mary Applebaum


A Juneau, Alaska native, Mrs. Applebaum has come a long way since her high school graduation all the way up to getting a Brown University Master’s degree in Economics. Talented with the digits, she’s no less successful when it comes to managing the human resources of the company. Ask anyone at our office who is their personal favorite manager...


Jonathan Christman


Being as a devoted family man as he is, it is incredible how Jonathan has time left for managing multi-million dollar contracts, satisfying all of our clients and managing a vast team of professionals under his command. His resolve is well-known, making him one of the few executive managers in our company who is admired by co-workers. His long stance...